Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. It is a great time to help your students make special gifts for their families! Here are some fun crafts that you can create in your classrooms:

Valentine’s Paper Plate Bear – This is a quick and easy craft. This cute bear will make a sweet Valentine’s Day gift. Your students will have a blast using glue (probably too much) to stick the tissue paper on the paper plate. Depending upon the age of your students, you can precut the face shapes, or let them cut them out by themselves (which will make each bear look unique to that student). “I love you ‘bear-y’ much” can be written on the back, or each student can create a separate card to give with the craft.

Valentine’s Heart Ornament – Students will love creating this beaded craft. This craft activity could allow each child to be creative. It requires them to focus and place the tiny beads on a pipe cleaner. As they fill the pipe cleaner with beads, their beautiful Valentine’s Day craft comes to life. Give your students a variety of color and style choices for beads, so that each student can create an ornament that is unique to them!

Stained Glass Hearts – This is a beautiful craft that your students can create as gifts, or to decorate the classroom windows. The stained glass hearts are very easy to do, so you can use this activity in between lessons to keep your students engaged with a craft they will enjoy. The mosaic patterns of each heart will add cheer to your classroom, or to whoever your students decide to gift them to.

Paper Heart Snowflakes – These paper heart snowflakes might require more patience than the other crafts mentioned before. Each student will need to carefully cut each snowflake. Once they are cut out, the students can decorate their snowflakes however they would like. They can personalize each one to give as gifts, or the craft can be used as decorations. Have a variety of paper choices available so that the students can select their favorite color!

Hidden Message Valentine’s Hearts – As a teacher, you may want to give your students a surprise. This craft is a great way of doing just that! By using a white crayon on each heart, you can write a hidden message for your students to discover. They will love finding out the sweet message you wrote, specifically, for them. It will make them each feel special and seen as they uncover the hidden message by using watercolor paint!
Valentine’s Day is a great time to help your students show their loved ones how special they are. It does not require elaborate expensive gifts either; your students can use their creative minds to make beautiful art projects that their families will treasure!
Do you have a favorite Valentine's Day craft that you do with your class? Share it with everyone in the comments section!